Oscartek LA CROSSE SS A2 2150 La Crosse Self-Serve Display/Showcase
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 2 P1110 Diamond Deli/Pastry with Drawers Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 2 DPD1110 Diamond 2 Deli/Pastry with 1 Drawer
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek LA CROSSE SS A1 2150 La Crosse Self-Serve Display/Showcase
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 1 DP2106 Diamond 1 Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek CLASSIC CDPS2500 Classic Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 3 P1110 Diamond Deli/Pastry with Drawers Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 3 DPD1110 Diamond 3 Deli/Pastry with 1 Drawer
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek CLASSIC CDP3000 Classic Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek ROSA DP1700 Rosa Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 2 DP2106 Diamond 2 Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek METRO 2 DP1650 Metro 2 Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek GEM-TEK DP900 Gem-Tek Deli/Pastry/Chocolate Display Case
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek GEM-TEK DP1300 Gem-Tek Deli/Pastry/Chocolate Display Case
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek GEM R4 DPA90SQ Gem R4 Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display 51" x 51" length on customer side
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek LA CROSSE DP1650 La Crosse Deli/Pastry Showcase
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND PRO 2 DF1650 Diamond Pro 2 Fully Refrigerated Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND PRO 1 DF1150 Diamond Pro 1 Fully Refrigerated Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 3 DP2106 Diamond 3 Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek ITALIA 3 DP1500 Italia 3 Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek ITALIA PRO 1200 Italia Pro High Humidity Cold Deli/Pastry | Cheese | Red Meat | Charcuterie Showcase/Display 47" length
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek ITALIA PRO 900 Italia Pro High Humidity Cold Deli/Pastry | Cheese | Red Meat | Charcuterie Showcase/Display 35" length
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek METRO 3 DP1650 Metro 3 Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek GEM S3 DP2000 Gem S3 Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek GEM R4-S3 FA90 Gem R4-S3 Fish Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND PRO 1 DF1650 Diamond Pro 1 Fully Refrigerated Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek CORA DPC30 Cora 2 Curved Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek CORA DPA30 Cora 2 Curved Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND PRO 3 DF1150 Diamond Pro 3 Fully Refrigerated Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek CORA DPD1110 Cora 2 Deli/Pastry with Drawers Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek ITALIA PRO 1500 Italia Pro High Humidity Cold Deli/Pastry | Cheese | Red Meat | Charcuterie Showcase/Display 59" length
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek CLASSIC CDPS3000 Classic Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek METRO PLUS DPMT1650 Metro Plus Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek LA CROSSE SS A1 A90 La Crosse Self-Serve Display/Showcase
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek GEM-TEK DP1700 Gem-Tek Deli/Pastry/Chocolate Display Case
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND PRO 3 DF1650 Diamond Pro 3 Fully Refrigerated Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 2 DPA30 Diamond Curved Deli/Pastry Showcase
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 2 DPC30 Diamond 2 Curved Deli/Pastry Showcase/Display
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.
Oscartek DIAMOND 1 DPA30 Diamond 1 Curved Deli/Pastry Showcase
- 2023 model, meets the newest EPA and DOE codes.